Posts Tagged "University of Westminster"

Graham S. Brand Award 2020 Winner – Paola Massimo

Earlier this month, I was very happy to meet Paola Massimo, the winner of the Graham S…

Graham S. Brand Award 2019 Winner – Alex Jones

Huge congratulations to Alex Jones who won this year’s 2019 Graham S. Brand Award. The award is…

Graham S Brand Award – 2018

Many congratulations to Joe Hockley who is year’s winner of the Graham S Brand Award.  The award…

Our 2016 Winner is… Rich Dent

Huge congratulations to Rich Dent who is year’s winner of the Graham S Brand Award.  The award…

And the 2015 Winner is… Cassie Galpin

Many congratulations to Cassie Galpin who is the winner of the 2015 Graham S Brand Award. This…

Ryan Lee Robinsoon

And the Winner is…

…Ryan-Lee Robinson. Many congratulations to Ryan who is the winner of the 2014 Graham S Brand Award….

Graham S Brand Award 2013

“And the winner is…” Graham S Brand was my dear friend and writing partner at the very…