Could not be prouder that the June 9th edition of the publishing bible, The Bookseller, carries a…
The second issue of the lovely SCOOP magazine is out and it is a great pleasure to…
It’s a huge pleasure to finally be able to reveal the secret project Eoin and Giovanni and…
“You pays your money, you takes your choice.” Last month saw the annual Anonymous event take place…
Winning is everything. The only ones who remember you when you come second are your wife and…
Just a heads up that over at the excellent Artemis Fowl Confidential website, top Artemis fan, Matt,…
Artemis artist, Giovanni Rigano hit the road in early December and some of the Artemis orientated results…
“I don’t like this, Artemis. My instincts tell me it’s a trap.” “Of course it’s a trap,…
Coming in July 2014, a brand new Artemis Fowl graphic novel, adapted by Eoin Colfer and Andrew…